
All Ivy Environmental and Sustainable Development Career Fair

Columbia University Alfred J. Lerner Hall, New York, New York

Each year, the eight Ivy League schools come together to produce a unique and inspiring career fair that provides companies unparalleled access to students who have the skills and knowledge to address the complex sustainability and climate challenges of our global economy.

The 6th Annual DBEI Research Day

Penn Medicine BRB II/III 421 Curie Blvd., Room 0252, Philadelphia, PA, United States

The 6th Annual DBEI Research Day is intended to showcase the expertise and research impact of the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics with the greater Penn community.

APHA’s Climate, Health and Equity Summit


APHA invites you to our first-ever Climate, Health and Equity Summit, a two-day virtual event bringing together APHA members and partners from across sections and disciplines to explore the intersectionality of climate, health and equity, build community, and advance collaborative work in the pursuit of a healthier, more equitable future.


Safer Choice – PEHSU Event


Join PEHSU Region 3 & EPA for a webinar on 3/27 at 12pm ET to receive a box of Safer Choice products! Learn about cleaning products that are safer for people & the environment from experts

Climate Change, Planetary Health, and Medicine


Hosted by Harvard Medical School, this course will be an opportunity for practicing health professionals to learn about the mechanisms by which climate change impacts human health and how it influences diagnosis, counseling, and treatment plans.

Climate Action Resources for Nurses


Join Climate for Health, the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, the National Student Nurses' Association, the National League for Nursing, and other national associations of nursing groups to connect with Climate for Health Ambassadors, meet more peers from across the country, and discuss resources for climate action.

U.S. EPA Children’s Health Protection Advisory Committee (CHPAC) Meeting


The Children's Health Protection Advisory Committee is a body of external researchers, academicians, health care providers, environmentalists, state and tribal government employees, and members of the public who advise the EPA on regulations, research, and communications related to children's health.

EPA Mid-Atlantic Virtual Summit: Empowering Communities for Environmental Equity


The EPA Mid-Atlantic Summit is a one-day virtual event that is geared towards addressing environmental health topics relevant to the Mid-Atlantic Region. The summit is held annually and features an opening plenary with state environmental secretaries and concurrent sessions focused on various topics, including equity, environmental justice, sustainability, grant opportunities, and more.

Wildfire Smoke Exposure in Kids: How to Mitigate Health Effects


Children are particularly vulnerable to wildfire smoke, and we will review the increasing literature on wildfire smoke health effects in children. Health providers should understand how to access reliable air quality information, the limitations of low-cost sensors, and how to improve indoor air quality.

Impacts of Extreme Heat on Maternal and Child Health: From Awareness to Action

Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health Nesbitt Hall 3215 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA

The 9th Annual Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Symposium will explore the research and evidence on the impacts of extreme heat on maternal and child health and discuss ways families, communities, and governments can take action.

Amplifying Momentum Among the Health Sector for Environmental Justice & Climate Action

Inn at Villanova University 601 County Line Rd, Wayne, PA

Health professionals are advocates for holistic well-being. With historic progress and investments in environmental justice and climate action, it's an opportune time for health professionals in the Mid-Atlantic region to amplify progress by supporting climate and health at a state, local, and community level.

Fish Consumption during Pregnancy and Impacts on Child Health


Join the ECHO Program for a series of three flash talks centered around fish consumption during pregnancy and impacts on child health. Kristen Lyall, Emily Oken, and Margaret Karagas will speak on EC0468 “Associations of maternal fish consumption and omega-3 supplement use during pregnancy with child autism-related outcomes: Results from the ECHO Program,” new guidance […]

Climate Change for Urban Health Researchers: Summer Institute

Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health Nesbitt Hall 3215 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA

An overview of the public health impacts of a global climate change in urban areas, focusing on policy, research methods, and disparities.

$450 – $600

Measuring Microplastics – NYU Symposium


Across the two days we will hear from local, national, and international experts who will provide insight into the future of the field, as plastic production and consumption continues to rapidly grow worldwide.

New Horizons: Building Bridges to Shape the Environmental Health Future


Our theme this year is New Horizons: Building Bridges to Shape the Environmental Health Future, focusing on responding to the needs of the profession with new topics like heat waves in the U.S., data modernization, burn-out, and artificial intelligence for environmental health, along with our traditional topics such as food safety and water quality.

Children’s Environmental Health Day Partner Info Session I


If you're considering becoming a Children's Environmental Health Day Partner this October, join the Children's Environmental Health Network for a brief informational session on CEH Day, Partner responsibilities and benefits, and how to get involved.

Measuring Microplastics – NYU Symposium


Across the two days we will hear from local, national, and international experts who will provide insight into the future of the field, as plastic production and consumption continues to rapidly grow worldwide.

HUD Healthy Homes Weatherization Cooperation Demonstration Grants


Join U.S. DOE Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), and U.S. HUD Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes for an overview of the HUD Healthy Homes Weatherization Cooperation Demonstration Grant program. These three-year grants are designed to support the coordination between HHP and WAP to maximize the efficiencies of both programs, to reduce WAP deferrals, […]

Air Pollution & Lung Health


The Center of Excellence in Environmental Toxicology Thematic Area talk provide a great opportunity to engage and network with CEET members

Children’s Environmental Health Day Partner Info Session II


If you're considering becoming a CEH Day Partner this October, join the Children's Environmental Health Network for a brief informational session on CEH Day, Partner responsibilities and benefits, and how to get involved.

Uncovering the Role of Cytokines during Brain Development

Penn Medicine BRB II/III 421 Curie Blvd., Room 0252, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Monthly seminar of the Center of Excellence in Environmental Toxicology featuring Yeong Shin Yim, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology. This event is in-person only. Registration is not required. Location: Biomedical Research Building II/III, 421 Curie Blvd. Philadelphia, PA  Room: 251

A Conversation with Child Health Champions


Join us for a special webinar celebrating the 2024 Child Health Advocate & NOW Youth Leadership Awardees, hosted by the Children’s Environmental Health Network (CEHN).

Pathways to a Climate and Health Career

College Green, University of Pennsylvania Woodland Walk, Philadelphia, PA

Thinking about a health career? Passionate about addressing climate change? At this panel, hear lightning talks from 10 Penn faculty and staff about their varied routes into careers that blend a focus on health and climate, from medicine to nursing to veterinary science. Audience Q&A to follow. Refreshments will be served! Open to all.

National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week


NLPPW is a call to bring together individuals, organizations, industry, and Tribal, state and local governments to reduce childhood exposure to lead by increasing lead poisoning prevention awareness.

Engaging Communities in Research: From Manganese in Marietta to the Train Derailment in East Palestine, Ohio


Dr Haynes will walk us through her journey as postdoctoral fellow working with residents of Marietta, Ohio to address their concerns about a ferromanganese refinery to her latest community partnerships in East Palestine, Ohio and many in between. Although each study has a different exposure of concern, each one has been conducted with and for the community with the same guiding principles of community-engaged research.

Drinking Water from Private Wells: Risks, Barriers, and Environmental Challenges


This Grand Rounds series will provide healthcare providers with state-of-the-science content on current topics in pediatric environmental health. Such information will fill in the knowledge gaps of practitioners, enabling them to effectively counsel families whose children face possible health issues due to environmental chemicals, toxins, and other insults.

The Overturning of Chevron Deference: Impacts on Environmental Health Decision Making

The June 28, 2024, Supreme Court decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo overturning Chevron deference marks a pivotal shift that could reshape environmental regulation as we know it. The longstanding Chevron decision established the principle that federal courts must defer to an agency’s reasonable interpretation of any statute deemed to be ambiguous. With the […]

The Brain in Focus: Environmental Exposures, MRI, and Adolescent Brain Health


Scientists at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai will share the latest research on how the environment affects health. Through this webinar series, we aim to translate our science to empower families and communities to understand the science and make the lifestyle changes that matter most.

Microbiomes of Pregnancy and Infancy: Implications for Child Health Outcomes


ECHO cohort sites have collected longitudinal microbiome samples and data spanning pregnancy through adolescence from a geographically, socioeconomically, and ethnically diverse US sample. The power of the ECHO cohort lies in its assessment of exposures in real time with the tracking of health outcomes as they occur throughout the life course. With specimen and data […]

Center of Excellence in Environmental Toxicology Symposium

Penn Medicine BRB II/III 421 Curie Blvd., Room 0252, Philadelphia, PA, United States

This year’s symposium will bring together community members, researchers, healthcare professionals, and representatives from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) to meet the challenges that we face in the Philadelphia metropolitan region

Healthy Schools, Healthy Children


Scientists at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai will share the latest research on how the environment affects health. Through this webinar series, we aim to translate our science to empower families and communities to understand the science and make the lifestyle changes that matter most.

Climate Change and Human Health 101


Penn's Environmental Innovations Initiative is leading a talk on the impact of climate change on human health with the goal of increasing environmental literacy.  The December speaker is Farah N Hussain, MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at Penn Medicine.

The Human Cost of Wildfires: Protecting Health in a Changing Climate


Join leading experts in climate science, pediatrics, mental health, environmental health, and climate adaptation to explore wide-ranging short-term and long-term health risks posed by wildfires and share practical strategies for building resilience and protecting communities.

Protecting Our Children from Environmental Hazards


Please join the Drexel Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Program for its first MCH Speaker Series Presentation of 2025! Feel free to share this with trainees and colleagues who may also be interested. All are welcome.

Our Planet, Our Health: 2025 Climate Action Convention

National Academy of Sciences Building Washington, D.C.

Join us in Washington, DC from March 1-4, 2025, for Our Planet, Our Health: 2025 Climate Action Convention, one of the largest events ever focused on planetary health and climate action.

2nd Annual CAFÉ Climate & Health Conference


The CAFE Climate and Health Conference is an interdisciplinary opportunity for individuals from across the climate and health field to gather for cross-sector collaboration and engagement.

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