Environmental Health During Preconception and Pregnancy – Opportunities for Prevention
In this webinar you will learn about burgeoning environmental health issues and how nurses can incorporate this information
Anneclaire DeRoos, PhD, MPH will present “Philadelphia greenspace during infancy & asthma incidence”, and Josiah Kephart, PhD, MPH and Andrea Jaffee will present “Climate change and temperature-related mortality in Latin American cities.”
3600 Market Street, Room 709 or Zoom: https://drexel.zoom.us/j/81490169028?pwd=aDlMbXV6dW5aeDgzbUJweGJ3VXdRUT09
Meeting ID: 814 9016 9028
Passcode: 624997
In this webinar you will learn about burgeoning environmental health issues and how nurses can incorporate this information
Eric Bind, MPP, of the NJ Department of Health will discuss prenatal lead and mercury monitoring program in