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April 26, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Beyond Paint: Lead Exposure Risks for People and Wildlife

As part of the University of Pennsylvania’s celebration of Earth Week 2024, we are pleased to bring you this panel discussion on the impact of lead exposure to people, wildlife and the environment.  Featuring expert speakers from across Penn including:

  • Lisa Murphy, VMD, Co-Director, Wildlife Futures Program, Penn Vet
  • Marilyn Howarth, MD, Adjunct Associate Professor, Penn Medicine and the Deputy Director of the Philadelphia Regional Center for Children’s Environmental Health
  • Reto Gieré, PhD, Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Penn Arts and Sciences
  • Moderator: Katherine Unger Baillie, Interim Director, Environmental Innovations Initiative

This event is open to Penn students, faculty, researchers and guests beyond campus!


Zoom Link   Meeting ID: 921 1880 3289     Passcode: 328052


Register Here

We’ll follow up with an ical appointment and send reminders! Or use the link above on the event date


Sponsors of this event:

Philadelphia Regional Center for Children’s Environmental Health, Center of Excellence in Environmental Toxicology, Penn Vet, Penn Arts & Sciences, Penn Medicine, Penn One Health and the Penn Environmental Innovations Initiative




Venue: Online

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