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November 12 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Drinking Water from Private Wells: Risks, Barriers, and Environmental Challenges

Steven D. Wilson, M.S. is a groundwater hydrologist and Head of the Environmental Public Health, Information and Data Services Section at the Illinois State Water Survey, University of Illinois. He authored and manages The Private Well Class, an online self-paced curriculum for private well owners.

An estimated 58 million Americans, 18% of the U.S. population, rely on private wells for their drinking water source.  Some wells are inadequately constructed because they were built prior to regulations on well construction; some are completed in areas where the surficial geology doesn’t protect them from surface recharge; some are at risk because a changing climate including flooding and sea level rise; and some are at risk because of a lack of owner resources, knowledge of the risks, and ability to pay for treatment. Poor drinking water quality is a significant health risk, both from bacterial contamination, as well as harmful natural or man-made contaminants.  We all have a role in understanding these risks and helping clients/patients understand how to protect themselves from any waterborne risks.

A short Q&A will follow the presentation.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
  1. Discuss the issues most affecting private well risks including construction and geology
  2. Discuss the pressing issues today, like flooding and emerging contaminants that can affect well water quality
  3. Outline the ways clinicians can inform and support their patients who use private wells

Pregnant woman talking with doctor while looking at medicine ingredients.

Venue: Online

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