Category: PRCCEH

Examining the role of diet in the study of Bisphenol A and child neurodevelopment: Pilot Project Dr. Kristen Lyall

Examining the role of diet in the study of Bisphenol A and child neurodevelopment: Pilot Project

November seminar of the Philadelphia Regional Center for Children’s Environmental Health. Led by Kristen Lyall, Sc.D., Associate Professor, and Marisa Patti, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, of the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute at Drexel University.  They discuss the results of their PRCCEH pilot project.

Seafood for Thought: The Role of Prenatal Fish Consumption on Autism Diagnosis Pregnant woman with her family reading book at home

Seafood for Thought: The Role of Prenatal Fish Consumption on Autism Diagnosis

The FDA, EPA and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that pregnant people eat at least two to three servings (about eight to 12 ounces) of a variety of seafood a week to obtain the important nutrients that aid in the baby’s brain development.

Women For A Healthy Environment and PRCCEH announce findings of pilot project on shade structures in childcare settings Kids playing at a child care facility under shade

Women For A Healthy Environment and PRCCEH announce findings of pilot project on shade structures in childcare settings

Women For A Healthy Environment (WHE) released the findings of its 2024 Shade Study, a pilot project investigating the impact of shade structures on outdoor play in childcare settings within 4 Philadelphia environmental justice neighborhoods.

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