
Tag: equity

Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Program and Philadelphia Dr. Sunni Mumford

Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Program and Philadelphia

A multidisciplinary group of researchers from CHOP and Penn Medicine have received a $50 million grant from the NIH to study the impact of environmental influences on pregnancy and children’s health. The research program is part of the NIH’s Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Program, which funds research to uncover how environmental exposures during preconception, pregnancy and early life affect children’s long-term health.

PEPH 2024 | Climate Change and Environmental Justice: Engaging Diverse Teams

PEPH 2024 | Climate Change and Environmental Justice: Engaging Diverse Teams

The purpose of this three-day meeting is to bring grantees and partners within the Partnerships for Environmental Public Health network together for the first time since February 2020 to discuss common issues, approaches, and opportunities. The focus will be on engaging diverse teams in the context of the intersection of climate change and environmental justice.

USA Exposome Symposium: Children’s Health, Environmental Justice, and the Exposome Researcher in a lab.

USA Exposome Symposium: Children’s Health, Environmental Justice, and the Exposome

This meeting will bring together academic, government, and community partners to share research findings, discuss the use of computational analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in analyzing results of large, multi-dimensional data sets, and discuss translational interventions and policies needed to reduce the effects of environmental injustice on child health.

Request for Information: Environmental Justice Research Gaps, Opportunities and Capacity Building Woman standing To address group meeting in community center

Request for Information: Environmental Justice Research Gaps, Opportunities and Capacity Building

The NIH Environmental Justice Working Group invites feedback on the approaches NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices can take to support research and capacity building efforts to advance environmental justice in the U.S. and globally

Kentucky 2023 Children’s Environmental Health Summit

Kentucky 2023 Children’s Environmental Health Summit

The 2023 Children’s Environmental Health Summit is a event used to increase awareness and knowledge related to children and the environment. This year’s summit is completely virtual GoToWebinar and will consist of four speakers with these topics: Childhood Exposure to Second-Hand Smoke and Radon, Ambient Air Pollution, Wildfire Smoke and Children’s Health, Surveillance for Ticks and Tick-Borne Pathogens and PFAS and how it affects children in Kentucky The summit will last approximately half a day.

A look back at our 2nd Annual Symposium

A look back at our 2nd Annual Symposium

On Tuesday, July 18, the Philadelphia Regional Center for Children’s Environmental Health hosted its second annual Symposium.  The goal of the Symposium was to bring together researchers, non-profit organizations, government agencies and the public to learn about the latest studies, experiments and programs focused on improving child health.

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