NIH Climate and Health Webinar: Climate Change, Pregnancy, and Children’s Health
Featuring Stefania Papatheodorou, Lecturer in Epidemiology, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, NIH Climate and Health Scholar hosted by NIEHS
Featuring Stefania Papatheodorou, Lecturer in Epidemiology, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, NIH Climate and Health Scholar hosted by NIEHS
Recording of the February 2024 webinar by Dr. Daniel Jackson Smith on his research with farmworkers in South Georgia, particularly on heat health and climate change.
The President’s Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children (Task Force) has published their priority activities for the next 5 years. Their priorities align with the focus areas of the PRCCEH.
APHA invites you to our first-ever Climate, Health and Equity Summit, a two-day virtual event bringing together APHA members and partners from across sections and disciplines to explore the intersectionality of climate, health and equity, build community, and advance collaborative work in the pursuit of a healthier, more equitable future.
Hosted by Harvard Medical School, this course will be an opportunity for practicing health professionals to learn about the mechanisms by which climate change impacts human health and how it influences diagnosis, counseling, and treatment plans.
Join the College of Physicians of Philadelphia for short presentations on Public Health work being done in and around Philadelphia. The presentations will be followed by a networking event where you can connect with like-minded individuals and organizations.
The Center of Excellence in Environmental Toxicology at Penn’s Spring 2024 Pilot Project Program call for applications is open. Investigators can apply for funding to advance Environmental Health Science research. Awards of up to $50,000 available, and Feb. 29 is the deadline.
The event will feature doctors, government officials, mental health experts, and environmental justice advocates and highlight the interconnections between climate and air pollution, public health, and children. It will be exclusively live-streamed by Parents.
Join us for an interactive event to learn more about parenting in the climate crisis.
One of our newest PRCCEH members Daniel Jackson Smith, Ph.D., AGPCNP-BC, CNE, was interviewed as part of a story on extreme heat events, air pollution and death among farmworkers in California.
Speakers will discuss Discuss the science of climate change on human health and how healthcare contributes to the problem; the direct impact of climate change on patient care in the clinical setting; and strategies for nurses to advocate for changes in policy and practice.
View our infographic for a look back at our Center’s achievements and partnerships in 2023!
This event brings together leading researchers across disciplines such as planning, health, engineering and more doing work in the field of environmental justice to share their insights and foster dialogue on the state of current knowledge and what it means for a sustainable, resilient, and just future.
The Philadelphia Regional Center for Children’s Environmental Health is hiring up to two Climate Change and Health Communication Assistants to support our work adding climate change as a focus area to our programming.
The purpose of this three-day meeting is to bring grantees and partners within the Partnerships for Environmental Public Health network together for the first time since February 2020 to discuss common issues, approaches, and opportunities. The focus will be on engaging diverse teams in the context of the intersection of climate change and environmental justice.
Please join us for the Department of Pediatrics 2023-2024 Academic Year Grand Rounds on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, 8:00-9:00 a.m. in the Hub Auditorium
The maps are part of a new website developed by the Nature Conservancy’s Pennsylvania staff, which describes how citizen-scientists collected heat readings around the city last summer and what they found.
Drexel University received a multi-million dollar grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences to establish the Drexel Climate Change and Urban Health Research Center
This meeting will bring together academic, government, and community partners to share research findings, discuss the use of computational analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in analyzing results of large, multi-dimensional data sets, and discuss translational interventions and policies needed to reduce the effects of environmental injustice on child health.
This virtual , 2-day interactive training equips attendees with the knowledge, hands-on experience, and resources to speak and take action on climate as a healthy priority.
This Competition seeks to identify innovative and inclusive approaches rural, local governments have developed for working with citizens, community groups, and other interested parties in rural communities to identify and address environmental public health concerns facing their people.
This free event will showcase stories of health care professional activation and leadership in decarbonization.
This panel brings together health experts to discuss the alarming consequences of rising temperatures on human health, with a specific focus on the vulnerability of fetuses and newborns.
PRCCEH received a new 1-year NIEHS Administrative Supplement to add a fifth focus area: climate change!