climate change

Tag: climate change

Priorities of the President’s Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children Child on playground equipment

Priorities of the President’s Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children

The President’s Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children (Task Force) has published their priority activities for the next 5 years. Their priorities align with the focus areas of the PRCCEH.

Climate Disruption, Air Pollution, and Young People’s Health: Challenges and Solutions

Climate Disruption, Air Pollution, and Young People’s Health: Challenges and Solutions

The event will feature doctors, government officials, mental health experts, and environmental justice advocates and highlight the interconnections between climate and air pollution, public health, and children. It will be exclusively live-streamed by Parents.

The Interconnection of Nursing, Climate Change and Healthcare in the United States: Overview & Implications for Clinical Practice Pregnant woman meeting with doctor and nurse in office.

The Interconnection of Nursing, Climate Change and Healthcare in the United States: Overview & Implications for Clinical Practice

Speakers will discuss Discuss the science of climate change on human health and how healthcare contributes to the problem; the direct impact of climate change on patient care in the clinical setting; and strategies for nurses to advocate for changes in policy and practice.

PEPH 2024 | Climate Change and Environmental Justice: Engaging Diverse Teams

PEPH 2024 | Climate Change and Environmental Justice: Engaging Diverse Teams

The purpose of this three-day meeting is to bring grantees and partners within the Partnerships for Environmental Public Health network together for the first time since February 2020 to discuss common issues, approaches, and opportunities. The focus will be on engaging diverse teams in the context of the intersection of climate change and environmental justice.

New heat map explores potential benefits of Philly Tree Plan with block-by-block detail Temperature reading

New heat map explores potential benefits of Philly Tree Plan with block-by-block detail

The maps are part of a new website developed by the Nature Conservancy’s Pennsylvania staff, which describes how citizen-scientists collected heat readings around the city last summer and what they found.

USA Exposome Symposium: Children’s Health, Environmental Justice, and the Exposome Researcher in a lab.

USA Exposome Symposium: Children’s Health, Environmental Justice, and the Exposome

This meeting will bring together academic, government, and community partners to share research findings, discuss the use of computational analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in analyzing results of large, multi-dimensional data sets, and discuss translational interventions and policies needed to reduce the effects of environmental injustice on child health.

Small Communities, Big Challenges: Rural environmental public health needs prize competition Group of kids playing in a park.

Small Communities, Big Challenges: Rural environmental public health needs prize competition

This Competition seeks to identify innovative and inclusive approaches rural, local governments have developed for working with citizens, community groups, and other interested parties in rural communities to identify and address environmental public health concerns facing their people.

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