A look back on ’22: Thank you for a great year

Kid playing with mud.

The Philadelphia Regional Center for Children’s Environmental Health had an amazing first year!  After launching in December 2021, our Center dedicated itself to laying down a strong foundation for long term growth and success.

On top of hiring two staff members and two community health workers, the Center created a brand identity, launched more than 6 programs, partnered with new community organizations and institutions (looking at you Lincoln University of PA!), and created a virtual seminar series to highlight member research.  View our stat infographic below!

In 2023, we plan to:

  • Unveil the new Center website
  • Launch our first Academy for Environmental Exposure Reduction training for high school students and the Teacher’s Institute of Philadelphia training for teachers
  • Partner with other Children’s Environmental Health Centers on educational training
  • Implement the Prescriptions for Prevention program with CHOP
  • Host our first emerging investigator and grants workshop
  • Begin enrolling families into the Chester Community Asthma Prevention Program
  • Fund more translational and development pilot projects

Register here for our Spring seminar series starting January 26th!


Infographic of our Year in Review

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