Hyunok Choi, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor | Lehigh University

Hyunok Choi is the Associate Professor and Director of the Children’s Environmental Precision Health Institute at Lehigh University. Her research focuses on children’s prenatal and postnatal exposures to indoor and outdoor environmental pollution, and their risks on a series of developmental consequences, including adverse birth outcomes, asthma, and obesity.

As human well-being and illness occur through exquisitely intricate interactions with the environment in which the person lives, Dr. Choi investigates a health outcome as a process involving molecular- (such as epigenomic and transcriptomic markers), host susceptibility- (such as body mass index), clinical, environmental (such as air pollutant levels), and meteorologic (such as temperature, wind speed) factors across time and space.


PRCCEH Seminar Presented by Dr. Choi:

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