Staying Safe During Extreme Heat Events in Philadelphia
Visit Philadelphia’s Extreme Heat Guide to view the signs and symptoms of heat related illnesses and ways to stay safe.
Visit Philadelphia’s Extreme Heat Guide to view the signs and symptoms of heat related illnesses and ways to stay safe.
Visit the City of Philadelphia’s webpage on what to do in case a flood hits your area.
Search among the many facilities offered by Parks and Rec in Philadelphia to make sure you and your family stay cool during extreme heat events!
This brochure includes information on signs of heat related illness and ways to stay cool in Philadelphia.
Make sure your heating and cooling systems are in good condition before extreme weather events occur. Use this guide to find programs that may be able to help you keep your utilities running smoothly.
Print this activity book for a fun way to keep your kids busy while educating them on staying safe in extreme heat!
Request a free tree by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society! They will remove sidewalk if needed.
Explore NIEHS curricula on climate change and human health for 9-12th graders and undergraduates
Children are uniquely vulnerable to climate change and its impacts on health. Read this report to find out more on the topic.
The most effective ways to improve your indoor air are to reduce or remove the sources of pollutants and to ventilate with clean outdoor air….
Explore this index to view at risk areas in Philadelphia and available community resources.
Click the link to explore how to create an inexpensive and effective DIY air filter for your home or classroom!
Learn about all the work done by the Beat the Heat team in Hunting Park and find resources to start your own campaign to reduce…
Receive free energy saving items and a house energy check up for income eligible households.
This Competition seeks to identify innovative and inclusive approaches rural, local governments have developed for working with citizens, community groups, and other interested parties in rural communities to identify and address environmental public health concerns facing their people.
The NIH Environmental Justice Working Group invites feedback on the approaches NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices can take to support research and capacity building efforts to advance environmental justice in the U.S. and globally
This panel brings together health experts to discuss the alarming consequences of rising temperatures on human health, with a specific focus on the vulnerability of fetuses and newborns.
PRCCEH received a new 1-year NIEHS Administrative Supplement to add a fifth focus area: climate change!
Inkyu Han is a multidisciplinary environmental health scientist in exposure assessment and environmental epidemiology. Environmental exposure and community health are closely linked. Dr. Han’s research…
Jane E. Clougherty is a Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH) at the Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health. She completed her doctorate…
If you are a tenant and see mold growth in your home, you can report this to the city by calling 311.
Sign up for air quality alerts, so you’ll know when to keep children and vulnerable adults inside.
This Pollen Tracker will help you and your family know when to stay indoors to decrease symptoms from allergies.
Basic Systems Repair Program provides free repairs to correct electrical, plumbing, heating, limited structural and carpentry, and roofing emergencies in eligible owner-occupied homes in Philly.