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April 17 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Drexel Urban Health Collaborative featuring Anneclaire De Roos, PhD, MPH

Anneclaire DeRoos, PhD, MPH will present “Philadelphia greenspace during infancy & asthma incidence”, and Josiah Kephart, PhD, MPH and Andrea Jaffee will present “Climate change and temperature-related mortality in Latin American cities.”


3600 Market Street, Room 709 or Zoom: https://drexel.zoom.us/j/81490169028?pwd=aDlMbXV6dW5aeDgzbUJweGJ3VXdRUT09

Meeting ID: 814 9016 9028
Passcode: 624997

Anneclaire De Roos, PhD, MPH

Venue: Online

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