The Environment & Children’s Cancers for Medical Professionals
The PEH Grand Rounds will also educate on practice strategies for the biomonitoring of children at risk for specific exposures to environmental pollutants.
The PEH Grand Rounds will also educate on practice strategies for the biomonitoring of children at risk for specific exposures to environmental pollutants.
The Pediatric Environmental Health Center at Boston Children’s Hospital and the New England Region Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU) welcome health professionals to attend the monthly virtual Pediatric Environmental Health (PEH) Grand Rounds.
For September’s CHE-Alaska webinar, we will be joined by science journalist Matt Simon, author of “A Poison Like No Other: How Microplastics Corrupted Our Planet and Our Bodies.” In the book, Simon reveals an entirely new dimension to the plastic dilemma – how microplastics break down into small enough pieces to enter lungs, be absorbed by crops, and infiltrate aquatic animals’ muscle tissues.
Dr. Jessica Trowbridge and Dr. Tracey Woodruff will present the findings of their new study, Extending Nontargeted Discovery of Environmental Chemical Exposures during Pregnancy and Their Association with Pregnancy Complications—A Cross-Sectional Study.
Scientists with the USGS first set out in 2019 to sample 161 waterways as a way of finding potential sources of PFAS contamination from 33 different compounds of the “forever chemicals.”
Join for a webinar on child care, children’s environmental health, and the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential.
The National Center for Healthy Housing and the Children’s Environmental Health Network want to hear from you. Have you and your family or someone you know been affected by unhealthy housing conditions?
A future supported by the natural environment depends on our effective involvement in decisions in our homes, communities, states, and at the federal level to ensure that we are taking […]
At a public meeting, University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health scientists will present the results of studies exploring health impacts of human exposure to environmental risk factors, including unconventional natural gas development activities, in an eight-county region in Southwest Pennsylvania.
On Tuesday, July 18, the Philadelphia Regional Center for Children’s Environmental Health hosted its second annual Symposium. The goal of the Symposium was to bring together researchers, non-profit organizations, government agencies and the public to learn about the latest studies, experiments and programs focused on improving child health.
6 Months After the Train Derailment: What’s it like to live in the impacted area? What do we know? What remains unknown? And how do we prevent future disasters like this?
Story in Drexel Magazine about the Environmental Collaboratory and Center member Jane Clougherty
In this webinar, Dr. Bhavna Shamasunder will explain the problems with current approaches to exposure assessment, and will describe ways in which EPA could improve its approach in the short term.
A new federal requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to those who are pregnant. But public health experts say not nearly enough is known about which work circumstances are dangerous for pregnancies.
Exposure to pesticides can have serious health and environmental impacts including poisoning wildlife, contaminating water, killing beneficial insects, and building up in the environment over time, leading to long-term contamination.
This year’s symposium will be a half-day event highlighting the outstanding and innovative environmental health sciences research conducted by our Early-Stage Investigators.
This Fund will support community groups working to ensure that all Philadelphia residents have a livable community, free of environmental toxins and hazards.
This Fund will support community groups working to ensure that all Philadelphia residents have a livable community, free of environmental toxins and hazards.
The HHS Office on Women’s Health will host a virtual symposium to convene federal and non-federal stakeholders in the fields of research, prevention, and treatment focusing on the impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on women’s health and to explore actionable solutions addressing evidence to policy and practice gaps.
This presentation includes useful information on heavy metals in foods as well as strategies to recommend for families to reduce their exposure and special considerations for high risk populations.
The NEHA AEC is the event where environmental health professionals go to discover the latest solutions, best practices, innovations, and research in the industry.
The 2023 conference theme, Connecting Communities & Science through Addressing Environmental Exposures, will examine the ways in which individuals and organizations can work together to identify the exposures, work to reduce exposures and improve our communities.
Our annual symposium is set for Tuesday, July 18th with virtual and in-person attendance options.
A report will document the harmful impacts of plastic bottles on human health, environmental justice, and climate change. Mike Belliveau (Defend Our Health) will present highlights of the report.